Unsafe Tanning Practices You Should Stop Doing Immediately

Everybody, for the most part, shares the same interest of self-preservation, both in terms of health and overall survival. When it comes to tanning, whether indoors, outdoors, or artificially, it is important to avoid doing anything that can put these best interests in jeopardy.

Continue reading to learn about the most common types of unsafe tanning practices, plus some safer alternatives that work just as well.

Indoor Tanning Indianapolis Indiana 317-257-8262
Indoor Tanning Indianapolis Indiana 317-257-8262

Risky Tanning Practices and How to Avoid Them

Not Wearing Eye Protection

Your eyesight is arguably one of the most vital senses. As someone who values eyesight, it is important that you always protect your eyes when in the sun or when using a tanning bed. It is also important to protect the delicate areas around your eyes, where skin is thinner and more sensitive. In the natural sun, wear sunglasses or a hat with a long visor to keep your eyes covered.

At the tanning salon, you have the option of using the industry-standard eye cover stickers, which are free, effective, and stay in place throughout your entire session, or you can choose to purchase a pair of reusable eye goggles.

Forgoing Sunscreen

Many people wrongly assume that sunscreen application is not necessary before using a tanning bed. However, whether you’re tanning in the natural sun or an indoor tanning bed, sunscreen is a vital element of the tanning process. You can still get a suntan with sunscreen on! After you have a tan, it is important to continue applying sunscreen before going in the sun or visiting the tanning salon.

Tanning Too Much Too Soon

All of us can be guilty of wanting something too much and all at once. But when it comes to tanning, whether indoors, out in the sun, or with a self-tanning product, the too-much-too-soon philosophy is not a compatible one. Self-tanning products contain Dihydroxyacetone (DHA), which in high concentrations can cause skin irritations like acne, rashes, rosacea, and allergic contact dermatitis. It can also cause more serious side effects like dizziness, coughing, and even fainting.

Tanning too often in the tanning bed or natural sun can lead to serious skin conditions and diseases, including severe sunburn, tanning bed rash, melanoma, and other cancerous health concerns. It can also cause hair damage and generate mild consequences like dry, leathery skin and dull complexion. Read your product labels for manufacturer recommendations, and consult with your doctor about how often and how long you can tan.

Falling Asleep While Tanning

Many people like to take a little nap when tanning, but in most cases, this is not a practice that comes highly recommended. When outdoors, sunbathing in the natural sun for extended periods of time can be damaging to your skin, eyes, and even your overall health. Falling asleep on the beach or poolside can lead to serious sunburns and similar types of sun or skin damage.

Tanning salon beds are a different story. They automatically shut off after your time is up, so if you fall asleep during the session, you will not be at risk of overexposure. However, if you own your own tanning bed that doesn’t have an automatic shut off feature, falling asleep inside can pose several risks. Overall, avoid falling asleep while tanning to be safe.

Tanning While Taking Prescribed Medication

Certain medications, even some over-the-counter medicines, can trigger bad reactions upon exposure to UV light. One of the most common side effects of tanning on prescription drugs is photosensitivity, or a heightened vulnerability to UVA and UVB rays. This can lead to severe sunburn sensations, blistering, and eczema-like patches on the skin. If you are currently prescribed medication, always check with your doctor before using a tanning bed or exposing yourself to the outdoor sun for prolonged periods of time.

Are you looking for a safe and convenient way to get a great tan in Indianapolis? Contact Broad Ripple Tans at 317-257-8262 to learn about our amazing spray tanning and tanning bed deals we are offering this year! We also have top of the line tanning products to enhance your tanning experience.

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