How to Achieve the Best Spray Tan Results

When you visit your local tanning salon, you expect to walk out with the tan you have in mind. When it comes to spray tans, you must put some effort into it if you want the best results. Continue reading to learn what you and your spray tan technician can do to ensure your final color is lustrous and long-lasting.

Indianapolis Tanning Beds 317-257-8262

Indianapolis Tanning Beds 317-257-8262

Hydrate and Moisturize

The preparation needed to achieve the best spray tanning results must start days before your actual appointment. It is important to fully-hydrate and moisturize your skin, head to toe, and even more so in drier areas like elbows and heels. This hydration and moisturizing process should begin at least one week before your scheduled spray tan. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day, and use quality products with little-to-no fragrance to reduce the risk of skin irritation and lingering residue.

Wax and Shave

If you need to remove hair, whether by razor or wax, be sure to do so a full 48 hours before your spray tan. Shaving and waxing can irritation skin temporarily, and apply tanner to it during this irritation stage can jeopardize the evenness of your tan. Always give your skin enough time to calm down before your spray tanning session.


Just hair removal, exfoliating the skin has many benefits, but can temporarily upset the skin. Allow yourself 24 to 48 hours before spray tanning to ensure your results are even and long-lasting. This will give your skin enough time to return to its normal pH balance. Always use a non-oil exfoliant to reduce lingering residue on the skin.

pH Balance and Barrier Cream

Now that you are aware of all the things you can do to ensure a great spray tan, you should know a couple of things your technician should be doing for you. Using a pH balancer on the skin helps to avoid problems caused by residual residues on the skin from bandages, deodorant, perfume, and more. They should also use a barrier cream to help ensure even and long-lasting application.

Broad Ripple Tanning

Broad Ripple Tans

Broad Ripple Tans 317-257-8262

Call Broad Ripple Tans at 317-257-8262 for air brush spray tanning in Indianapolis, Indiana. We are a family owned and operated tanning salon that offers a wide selection of tanning products and services at the most competitive prices in town! We also offer tanning packages and tanning coupons! Call 317-257-8262 to request a free estimate for Broad Ripple tanning, today.