Using a tanning bed is one thing, and a pretty straight-forward one at that, but going in for your first spray tan requires a whole new set of knowledge. The more you know about spray tanning, the more successful your results will be. Continue reading to review some of the most frequently asked questions about spray tanning that all beginners should know.

Spray Tanning Frequently Asked Questions
Do I Need to Prepare for a Spray Tan?
Yes, there are several important things you must do before your spray tanning session. Some of these duties need to be done a day or two in advance. Several days before your session, stay disciplined with a full-body moisturizing routine. The day before your session, shave and exfoliate your skin. Be sure to exfoliate using a quality product, and spend a little extra time on your hands, feet, and ankles. The day of your session, paint your nails. This helps protect them.
There are many things you should NOT do before a spray tan. Never wax or exfoliate on the day of your spray tan session. Also, do not moisturize on the day of your session unless the product is specifically designed for spray tanning. Avoid wearing anything on the skin, including makeup, perfume, and even antiperspirant. Don’t wear any jewelry unless you have, such as the case with body piercings or new piercings.
What Do I Wear For a Spray Tan?
When you get dressed to go to your spray tanning salon, be sure to wear dark-colored, loose-fitting clothing. Avoid anything too tight or chunky, like leggings and boots. During your session, you can wear whatever you feel most comfortable in. You can wear your bathing suit, undergarments, or even go in the nude. Many booths are automatic, so you are alone during your session.
Will a Spray Tan Make Me Look Orange?
The orange spray tan stigma dates back to the original days of innovation. Today, spray tanning technology is much more advanced, and the whole turning-orange thing does not happen at salons very often. You do not have to worry about looking orange after a spray tan as long as you choose a professional tanning salon in Indianapolis that uses top-of-the-line products and equipment. If you do get bad spray tan results, you can correct a spray tan using a spray tan refiner product. Such products can reduce oversaturation, remove old spray tan, and reduce uneven fading.
When Can I Shower After a Spray Tan?
It is recommended to wait as long as you can to take a shower after you have had a spray tan. The general rule of thumb is at least 4 hours but 6 to 8 is ideal. In addition to showering, you do not want to do anything that will make you wet or sweat excessively, like working out, sitting in the sun, and swimming.
How Can I Make My Spray Tan Last Longer?
The key to extending the life of a spray tan starts with daily moisturizing. Use a quality lotion or body cream to keep your skin moisturized day and night. It is recommended to apply body moisturizer within the first 5 minutes of showering. This is when your skin is most receptive. In addition to moisturizing, make your spray tan last longer by avowing harsh soaps and exfoliants. You also want to steer clear of applying anything with an adhesive to your skin, like a bandage or pore strip.
Are you ready to get your first spray tan in Indy? Contact Broad Ripple Tans at 317-257-8262 to learn all about our luxury spray tanning services in Indianapolis, Indiana.
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