Your Ultimate Guide to Post-Tanning Skin Care

When it comes to achieving a glowing tan, the work doesn’t end after you step out of the sun, tanning bed, or finish applying that perfect sunless tanner. Proper post-tanning skin care is crucial for maintaining that beautiful glow and ensuring your skin stays healthy. This blog post aims to be your ultimate guide to post-tanning skin care, so keep reading for tips and tricks on how to achieve and maintain that perfect tan!

Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Post Tanning Skin Care Products in Broad Ripple
Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Post Tanning Skin Care Products in Broad Ripple

Understanding How Tanning Affects Your Skin

To appreciate the importance of post-tanning skincare, it’s essential to understand how tanning works. Whether achieved through natural sunlight, tanning beds, or sunless tanning products, the process can affect your skin in different ways.

Natural Sun Exposure

When exposed to natural sunlight, your skin produces melanin, the pigment responsible for your tan. This reaction is your body’s defense mechanism against harmful UV rays. While a golden hue is often desirable, prolonged exposure to UV rays can lead to skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer.

Tanning Beds Versus Sunless Tanning

Tanning beds use artificial UV light to stimulate melanin production, often resulting in a quicker tan compared to natural sunlight. However, the concentrated UV exposure can cause significant skin damage if not managed properly.

On the other hand, sunless tanning products contain dihydroxyacetone (DHA), which reacts with the amino acids in the outermost layer of your skin to create a tan. This method avoids UV damage but requires diligent maintenance to keep your tan looking fresh.

Crafting a Good Post-Tanning Skin Care Routine

Once you’ve achieved your desired tan, it’s crucial to follow a comprehensive skincare routine to keep your skin healthy and your tan vibrant.

Step 1: Hydration is Key

Tanning can dehydrate your skin, making it essential to replenish moisture. Use a hydrating body lotion or oil daily to keep your skin soft and supple. Look for products containing aloe vera or hyaluronic acid, which are excellent for retaining moisture.

Step 2: Gentle Exfoliation

Exfoliating helps remove dead skin cells and prevents your tan from looking patchy. Opt for a gentle exfoliant to avoid stripping away your tan too quickly. Aim to exfoliate 2-3 times a week, focusing on areas prone to dryness, like elbows and knees.

Step 3: Sun Protection

Even after tanning, protecting your skin from further UV damage is vital. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every time you go outdoors. This not only protects your skin but also prolongs the life of your tan.

Tailoring Your Routine to Different Tanning Methods

Different tanning methods require specific aftercare to maintain and enhance your glow. Whether you are a sunbather, sunless tan fan, or tanning bed lover, these tips will help tailor your routine:

Sunbathers’ Care Tips

If you love sunbathing, ensure you’re drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. Use after-sun lotions with cooling ingredients like aloe vera to soothe any potential sunburn. Moisturize frequently to prevent peeling and extend your tan’s lifespan.

Sunless Tanners’ Care Tips

For those using sunless tanners, maintain your tan by applying a gradual tanning lotion between applications. Avoid long baths or showers, as they can cause your tan to fade faster. Pat your skin dry with a towel instead of rubbing to retain the tan.

Tanning Bed Users’ Care Tips

Tanning bed enthusiasts should focus on using products specifically designed for after tanning bed care. These products often contain ingredients that help repair and nourish the skin. Additionally, limit your sessions to avoid overexposure to UV rays.

Addressing Common Post-Tanning Skin Issues

Post-tanning can bring about several skin concerns, but with the right care, you can address them effectively. Here are some common issues and tips for abating them:

Sunburn – Despite precautions, sunburn can happen. If you experience sunburn, apply aloe vera gel or a soothing after-sun lotion to calm the skin. Cool compresses and staying hydrated can also help speed up recovery.

Dryness – Dry skin is a common issue post-tanning. Incorporate a rich moisturizer into your daily routine to combat dryness. Ingredients like shea butter and coconut oil are excellent for locking in moisture.

Premature Aging – Prolonged UV exposure can accelerate skin aging. To combat this, use products containing antioxidants like vitamin C and E, which help neutralize free radicals. Regular application of sunscreen is also crucial in preventing further damage.

Essential Post-Tanning Do’s:

  • Hydrate from Within – Drinking plenty of water is essential to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day to support your skin’s natural moisture balance.
  • Use Tan-Extending Products – Tan-extending lotions can help maintain your glow for longer. These products typically contain ingredients that gradually enhance your tan while moisturizing your skin.
  • Avoid Hot Showers and Baths –  Hot water can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and a quicker fade of your tan. Opt for lukewarm water when showering and keep showers short to preserve your tan.

Post-Tanning Don’ts:

  • Don’t Skip Moisturizing – Skipping moisturizer can lead to dry, flaky skin and a patchy tan. Make moisturizing a non-negotiable step in your daily routine to keep your skin smooth and your tan even.
  • Don’t Forget Sunscreen – Even with a tan, your skin is still susceptible to UV damage. Never skip sunscreen and reapply every two hours when outdoors to protect your skin and prolong your tan.
  • Don’t Over-Exfoliate – While exfoliation is essential, overdoing it can strip away your tan. Stick to a gentle exfoliation routine to maintain your glow without causing damage.


Taking care of your skin post-tanning is essential for maintaining a beautiful, healthy glow. By following a dedicated skincare routine, you can prolong your tan and keep your skin in top condition. Remember, hydration, gentle exfoliation, and sun protection are key components of any post-tanning skincare regimen.

Ready to elevate your post-tanning skincare game? Visit Broad Ripple Tans for top quality tanning beds and tanning products in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also have top of the line automated spray tan booths!

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Post-Tanning Care: Maintaining Your Glow

Walking out of a tanning salon with sun-kissed skin is a boost of confidence, but the process doesn’t stop when the lights go off. The afterglow of your tan requires just as much attention as the pre-tan prep. In this post, we’ll guide beauty enthusiasts and skin care connoisseurs through the essential steps of post-tanning care to ensure your tan doesn’t just look good—it’s also healthy and long-lasting.

Call 317-257-8262 For Indoor Tanning in  Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-257-8262 For Indoor Tanning in Indianapolis Indiana

The Science of Tanning

Before we jump into post-tanning care, it’s important to understand what tanning does to your skin. Whether you opt for UV tanning beds or a sunless tanning method like spray tans, the goal is to change the pigment of your skin. UV tanning stimulates melanin production, while sunless tanning involves a chemical reaction on the outermost layers of skin. No matter the method, your skin needs proper care immediately after tanning and beyond.

Immediate Post-Tanning Care


Keep your skin quenched to maintain elasticity and avoid peeling. Regular hydration helps your skin stay supple and healthy-looking. A fragrance-free, intensively moisturizing lotion should become your new best friend, as it provides deep hydration without irritating sensitive skin. Apply it generously after showers and throughout the day to keep your skin in top condition.

Cooling the Skin

If you feel any heat on your skin post-tanning, a gentle, soothing aloe Vera-based product can provide relief. Steer clear of hot showers or baths and opt for cooler water to keep your skin calm and comfortable. Also avoid testing or experimenting with new skin care products to prevent bad reactions or rashes.

Clothing Choice

After your tanning session, it’s important to wear loose, soft clothing made from natural fibers. This not only prevents irritation but also allows your skin to breathe, promoting a more comfortable and healthier recovery. Opt for fabrics like cotton or linen to ensure maximum comfort and to help maintain the results of your tanning session.

Long-Term Tan Maintenance

Moisturizing Regimen

Committing to daily moisturization will not only help to prolong your tan but also ensure your skin stays smooth and supple. Moisturizing daily can prevent peeling and dryness, maintaining that sun-kissed glow longer. When choosing a moisturizer, look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid or ceramides that effectively keep in moisture, creating a barrier that keeps your skin hydrated throughout the day. Additionally, incorporating aloe Vera or vitamin E can provide extra soothing and healing benefits.

Importance of Exfoliation

Gently exfoliate once a week to keep your skin sleek and to encourage an even fade of your tan. Use a mild scrub or exfoliating glove to remove dead skin cells, which helps to reveal fresh, smooth skin underneath. Exfoliation preps your skin for an evenly distributed layer of moisture, ensuring that your skin stays hydrated and your tan remains consistent. This routine can also help prevent clogged pores and improve skin texture over time.

Sunscreen Use

Protect your skin with a broad-spectrum sunscreen, which guards against both UVA and UVB rays. Any exposure to the sun can amplify UV damage, even if you’re already tanned. Regular use of sunscreen not only prevents sunburn but also lowers the probability of skin cancer and premature aging. Remember to reapply every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating, to maintain optimal protection.

Sensitive Skin Care After Tanning

For those with sensitive skin, post-tanning care should prioritize reducing inflammation. Hypoallergenic products designed for vulnerable skin can help avoid adverse reactions. If you experience a burn, treat it at home with cooling gels designed for burn relief, ice packs, and OTC pain medication. You may even want to consider consulting a dermatologist.

Enhancing Your Tan

Proper Nutrition

Beyond topicals, your diet can significantly impact your skin’s glow and overall health. Consuming foods high in antioxidants, such as berries, nuts, and green leafy vegetables, can protect your skin cells from damage and promote a youthful appearance. Additionally, foods rich in beta-carotene, like carrots and sweet potatoes, can contribute to an enhanced skin tone by providing essential nutrients that support skin health. By incorporating these nutrient-dense foods into your diet, you can help maintain a radiant and healthy complexion from the inside out.

Tan Extenders

Look for tan extending products that contain gentle bronzers or moisturizers, which not only enhance the vibrancy of your tan but also keep your skin hydrated and healthy. These products often include nourishing ingredients like aloe Vera, vitamin E, and other skin-loving compounds that help maintain a natural glow while preventing dryness and flakiness. By incorporating such products into your routine, you can enjoy a radiant and long-lasting tan all year round.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should I wait to shower after tanning?

It’s recommended to wait at least 4-6 hours before showering after a UV tanning session, and at least 8 hours for a spray tan. This allows the tan to fully develop and ensures maximum results.

When is the best time to exfoliate after tanning?

Wait at least 24 hours after tanning before exfoliating. This gives your tan enough time to fully develop and ensures an even fade.

Can I still tan while using sunscreen?

Yes, but it’s always important to prioritize protecting your skin. Make sure to reapply sunscreen every two hours and limit your sun exposure during peak hours to reduce the risk of sun damage.


Consistency in your post-tanning care regimen is crucial in maintaining a radiant tan that wows. Regular moisturizing, gentle exfoliation, and effective protection against the sun are your keys to a lasting tan. Want to perfect the art of tanning? Visit our salon for top-of-the-line advice, beds, booths, and aftercare products tailored for your sunless tanning needs.

Remember, a beautiful tan is a healthy tan — and it all starts with the right care after you step out of the light. Visit Broad Ripple Tans, or give us a call at 317-257-8262 to learn all about our tanning beds and spray tanning services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We have top of the line automated spray tan booths and a wide selection of tanning lotions and products.

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DIY Fixes for a Patchy Spray Tan: A Step-by-Step Guide

Spray tanning is a popular beauty trend that offers a safe alternative to sunbathing, promising a flawless golden glow without the harmful effects of UV radiation. However, achieving an even, streak-free tan can sometimes be easier said than done. A patchy spray tan can leave you feeling more frustrated than fabulous, but don’t despair! This comprehensive guide is designed to help you identify, fix, and prevent uneven tans with simple DIY solutions and home remedies.

Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our  Spray Tanning Salon Near Broad Ripple
Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Spray Tanning Salon Near Broad Ripple

The Telltale Signs of a Patchy Spray Tan

The first step to fixing a patchy spray tan is recognizing the problem areas. Common signs include uneven coloration, orange complexion, dark spots, streaks, or areas where the tan has faded more quickly than others. Several factors can contribute to these issues, such as improper application, uneven skin exfoliation, or skin’s natural oils affecting the tan’s absorption.

Preparing for Spray Tan Correction

Before attempting any fixes, it’s crucial to prepare your skin properly. Cleanse your skin to remove oils, sweat, and products that could interfere with your corrective measures. Gently exfoliating the patchy areas can also help, but be cautious not to over-exfoliate, as this can exacerbate the problem.

Immediate Solutions to Even Out Your Tan:

Exfoliation and Moisturizing

One of the most straightforward methods to correct a patchy spray tan is to lightly exfoliate the darker areas. Use a soft exfoliating mitt or a mixture of baking soda and water to gently buff away the excess color. After exfoliating, thoroughly moisturize your skin to soothe and hydrate it, which can help even out the tan.

Natural and DIY Remedies for a Bad Spray Tan:

Lemon Juice and Sugar Scrub

A natural remedy to lighten overly dark patches is a lemon juice and sugar scrub. The citric acid in lemon juice acts as a natural bleaching agent, while the sugar helps exfoliate the skin. Mix fresh lemon juice with sugar to create a paste, apply it to the patchy areas, and gently massage in circular motions. Rinse off with warm water and moisturize.

Tea Bag Compress

For lighter patches, try a tea bag compress. Black tea contains tannins that can help darken light spots. Steep several black tea bags in hot water, allow the water to cool, and then apply the tea to the affected areas with a washcloth. Repeat this process until you achieve the desired color.

Prevention Tips: Maintaining an Even Spray Tan

To ensure your spray tan remains even and lasts as long as possible, follow these maintenance tips:

  • Moisturize Daily: Keeping your skin hydrated can prevent uneven fading.
  • Gentle Exfoliation: Regular, gentle exfoliation can help maintain an even tan.
  • Touch-Up Spray: Invest in a quality touch-up spray or gradual tanning lotion to correct and maintain your tan between appointments.


Even with the best precautions, spray tans can sometimes go awry. However, with the right knowledge and tools at your disposal, you can correct and even prevent patchy results. Remember, the key to a flawless spray tan lies in preparation, careful maintenance, and knowing how to handle the occasional hiccup. We hope this guide empowers you to achieve and maintain your perfect glow.

Are you looking for a tanning salon in Indy that offers spray tanning? Visit Broad Ripple Tans for the best spray tanning services, automated spray tanning booths, lay down and stand up tanning booths, tanning packages, and coupons!

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Sunless Tanning: A Comprehensive Guide to Spray Tans

The allure of a radiant, bronzed complexion has led many to embrace the wonders of sunless tanning. With heightened awareness of the adverse effects of prolonged sun exposure, spray tans have surged in popularity as a safe and effective alternative.

This comprehensive guide caters not only to beauty enthusiasts and skincare beginners but to all who yearn for that sun-kissed glow without the risk. From preparation to preservation — let’s dive into the golden world of sunless tanning.

Call 317-257-8262 For Automated Spray Tanning in Broad Ripple Indiana
Call 317-257-8262 For Automated Spray Tanning in Broad Ripple Indiana

Top Benefits of Spray Tans

Safe Alternative to Sun Exposure – Spray tanning provides a beautiful tan without the harmful UV rays that can lead to skin damage or, worse, skin cancer. It’s a health-conscious choice for maintaining tanned skin year-round.

Even and Streak-Free Tan – Innovations in spray tan solutions and techniques ensure an even coat, reducing the risk of streaks and blotches that are often associated with self-tanning lotions.

Customizable Color Options – Everyone’s skin is unique, and so should be their tan. Spray tans offer a variety of shades to match different skin tones, allowing for a natural and tailored appearance.

Preparation and Pre-Tan Care

To achieve the best results, a bit of prep work is required — think of it as priming your canvas. Here are some steps and factors to consider:

Exfoliation and Moisturization – Start with a thorough exfoliation to slough away dead skin cells, followed by a hydrating moisturizer to smooth the skin’s surface. This helps in absorbing the tanning solution evenly.

Shaving and Waxing – Hair removal should be done 24 hours before spray tanning to prevent irritation and ensure a sleek application.

Clothing and Accessories – Wear loose, dark clothes and flip-flops to the appointment to avoid rubbing or staining.

Choosing the Right Spray Tan

Not all spray tans are created equal, and selecting the right type is crucial for that perfect golden hue. There are different types of spray tans available. Understanding the various formulas and their finish – from light, sun-kissed glows to deep, tropical bronzes, can help you choose the right tan solution for you. Additional factors to consider when selecting a spray tan solution include your skin’s natural undertone, the occasion, and how quickly you need the tan to develop before making your choice.

Spray Tan Application

Whether you visit a tanning salon or apply your spray tan at home, technique is key. Salon applications typically offer a more precise and customized experience while DIY kits provide convenience and privacy. If you are a diehard DIY-er, be sure to follow a meticulous method, starting from preparing your skin to the actual application process, and finishing with the right setting conditions.

Maintaining and Extending the Tan

Make that glow last with proper post-tan care. Gently pat your skin after showering, moisturize daily, and stay hydrated to prolong the life of your spray tan. Also, consider investing in tan extenders, bronzers, and gradual tanning lotions to keep your tan looking fresh and vibrant.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Getting a Spray Tan

A few pitfalls that can hinder your journey to a flawless tan. Here are the most common spray tanning mistakes to avoid:

Over-Application and Uneven Blending – Start with a light layer and blend meticulously. It’s always better to build up than to have to tone down.

Misjudging Color Choice – Always consult with a professional or conduct a patch test when trying a new product.


Spray tans offer a versatile and safe method to achieve a beautifully tanned look, avoiding the dangers of traditional sun tanning. It’s essential to be thorough in each step, from preparation to maintenance, to ensure a stunning and long-lasting tan. As the industry evolves, staying informed on the best spray tan techniques and products will aid in your quest for that perfect, glowing skin.

Are you ready to transform your skin into a bronzed masterpiece safely? Contact Broad Ripple Tans at 317-257-8262 to get the best deals on tanning beds, spray tanning, tanning products, and more! We also offer coupons!

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Erasing Mistakes: How to Correct a Blotchy Spray Tan

We’ve all been there. Excitement brewing as we step into the booth for a quick, sunless bronze, only to step out looking like a walking, talking leopard print — yes, the dreaded blotchy spray tan. But before you resign yourself to weeks of long sleeves and trousers, know that not all hope is lost. This blog post aims to guide you through the process of correcting spray tan mistakes that led to that unfortunate blotchy look.

We’ll explore effective, easy-to-do methods that will get your skin back to looking even-toned and naturally sun-kissed. So, grab a cup of tea, sit back, and let’s navigate this journey to flawless, glowing skin together.

Call 317-257-8262 to Schedule a Spray Tanning Booth in Broad Ripple Indiana!
Call 317-257-8262 to Schedule a Spray Tanning Booth in Broad Ripple Indiana!

Understanding Blotchy Spray Tan Results

Before diving into the solutions, let’s first understand why blotchy spray tans happen in the first place. A streaky, uneven tan is caused by uneven application and absorption of the spray tan solution on your skin. This can be due to various factors such as not exfoliating properly before the session, applying too much lotion or moisturizer, or not following the aftercare instructions correctly.

Correcting Spray Tan Mistakes: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mistakes happen, and luckily when it comes to streaky and spotty spray tans, they can be easily fixed with a few simple steps. Here’s what you need to do:

1. Exfoliate that Spotty Layer Away

The first step in correcting an uneven spray tan is to exfoliate the top layer of your skin. This will help remove the unevenly applied solution and reveal a more even base underneath. Use an exfoliating mitt or scrub with gentle, circular motions to avoid further irritation.

2. Get Your Lemons Ready

Lemon juice works wonders in removing excess self-tanner. Squeeze fresh lemon juice onto a cotton pad and gently rub it over the blemished areas. The citric acid in lemons helps in breaking down the spray tan solution, leaving you with a more even-toned canvas to work with.

3. A Little Help from Baking Soda

Another natural remedy for correcting bad spray tans is baking soda. Mix a small amount of baking soda with water to form a paste and apply it on the blotchy areas. Leave it on for about 5 minutes before rinsing off in the shower. The exfoliating properties of baking soda will help even out your skin tone.

4. Seek Professional Help

If the above methods don’t work, it’s best to seek professional help. A trained spray tan technician will be able to use specialized products and techniques to fix any unevenness in your tan. It may cost a bit more, but it’s worth the peace of mind knowing you’ll leave with a flawless tan.

Tips for Avoiding a Bad Spray Tan

The best way to correct a blotchy spray tan is to avoid it in the first place. Here are a few tips to ensure your next spray tanning session goes smoothly:

Exfoliate before your appointment: Be sure to exfoliate all over, paying specific attention to dry areas like knees and elbows.

Avoid lotions and moisturizers: These can act as barriers, preventing the spray tan solution from being absorbed evenly.

Follow aftercare instructions: After your spray tan, be sure to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your technician. This will help maintain the longevity of your tan and prevent any blotchiness.

Final Thoughts

Spray tanning is a great way to achieve a sun-kissed glow without exposing your skin to harmful UV rays. However, mistakes can happen, and an uneven, discolored spray tan can leave you feeling less than confident. But with the tips and tricks mentioned in this blog post, you’ll now be equipped to correct any errors and maintain a flawless, natural-looking tan. Remember to exfoliate regularly, avoid moisturizers before your session, and follow aftercare instructions for the best results.

How are your spray tans turning out lately? Why not try an automated spray tanning bed that ensures evenness and accuracy? Visit Broad Ripple Tans, or give us a call at 317-257-8262 to learn all about our tanning beds and spray tanning services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We have top of the line automated spray tan booths!

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Pre-Tanning Care: How to Prepare Your Skin for a Tan

Getting that perfect sun-kissed glow isn’t as simple as stepping into a tanning booth or lying out in the sun. Your skin needs preparation to ensure an even, long-lasting tan. The beauty of indoor tanning is that it moves beyond the unpredictability of the weather, but it still requires adequate care to protect your skin.

In this post, we will delve into some essential pre-tanning tips and skin care advice to help you achieve a safe and beautiful tan. Stay tuned as we guide you through the steps of pre-tanning care, ensuring your skin is ready to glow!

Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Local Indoor Tanning Salon in Broad Ripple
Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Local Indoor Tanning Salon in Broad Ripple

The Importance of Pre-Tanning Care

Before we get into the tips, let’s first understand why pre-tanning care is essential. Preparing your skin before tanning helps to ensure an even and long-lasting tan. It also protects your skin from potential damage caused by harsh UV rays or chemicals in sunless tanning products. By taking the time to prepare properly, you can achieve a beautiful and healthy tan without risking any adverse effects on your skin.

Preparation Tips for Indoor Tanning

If you’re planning to use a tanning bed for your indoor tanning session, here are some essential pre-tanning tips to follow:

Exfoliate: Before going into the tanning bed, make sure to exfoliate your skin thoroughly. This will remove any dead skin cells and ensure an even application of the tanning lotion or solution. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub or dry brush to gently slough off any rough areas on your skin.

Shave/Wax: It is recommended to shave or wax at least 24 hours before your tanning session. This will allow time for your skin to recover and avoid any irritation or redness caused by the tanning process.

Avoid Lotions: Do not apply any lotion, oils, or makeup before going into the tanning bed. These products can create a barrier between your skin and the tanning solution, resulting in an uneven tan.

Remove Jewelry: Make sure to remove all jewelry before entering the tanning bed. Metal can reflect UV rays and cause discomfort or even burns on your skin.

Wear Protective Eyewear: Always wear protective eyewear to protect your eyes from the UV rays emitted by tanning beds. It is essential to use goggles specifically designed for indoor tanning, as regular sunglasses will not provide adequate protection.

Preparation Tips for Spray Tanning

If you prefer the convenience and safety of spray tanning, here are some pre-spray tanning tips to keep in mind:

Exfoliate: Similar to tanning beds, exfoliating is crucial before a spray tan. Use a gentle scrub or dry brush to remove any dead skin cells and ensure an even application.

Avoid Moisturizers: Do not apply any moisturizers or oils before your spray tan appointment. These products can create a barrier and prevent the tanning solution from adhering to your skin evenly.

Remove Makeup: It is essential to remove all makeup before your spray tan session, especially around the eyes and lips. This will ensure that the tanning solution is applied evenly on your face.

Wear Loose Clothing: Opt for loose, dark-colored clothing to wear after your spray tan session. Tight clothing or light-colored fabrics can rub off the tanning solution and create uneven patches on your skin.

Aftercare for Indoor Tanning

After your indoor tanning session, whether you spray tanned or laid in a bed, it is crucial to follow proper aftercare techniques to maintain your beautiful tan while also protecting your skin:

Moisturize: Apply a moisturizer with soothing ingredients like aloe lotion or cream to keep your skin hydrated and prevent any dryness or peeling.

Avoid Sun Exposure: It is crucial to avoid additional sun exposure after tanning, as it can damage your skin and cause uneven fading of your tan. Protect your skin with sunscreen if you must be outside.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water after tanning can help keep your skin healthy and hydrated, ensuring that your tan lasts longer.

Bottom Line

Proper pre-tanning care is vital to ensure a beautiful and long-lasting tan without risking damage to your skin. Remember these essential tips before your next indoor tanning session, and don’t forget to follow proper aftercare techniques to maintain your glow.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start indoor tanning with confidence! Contact Broad Ripple Tans at 317-257-8262 for top quality tanning beds and tanning products in Indianapolis, Indiana.

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Halloween Costume Tips for Adults: How to Stand Out at Any Spooky Soiree

Welcome to the ultimate guide for eye-catching Halloween costumes that will make you the center of attention at any spooky soiree. We understand that settling on the perfect Halloween costume can be a daunting task, especially when you aim to stand out in a crowd. But fear not! We’re here to provide you with innovative costume tips and tricks that are sure to turn heads.

From classic characters to creative DIYs, and even the transformative power of spray tanning, we’ve got it all covered. Get ready to make this Halloween an unforgettable one. Let the spooky, stylish fun begin!

Halloween Spray Tanning Deals in Broad Ripple - 317-257-8262
Halloween Spray Tanning Deals in Broad Ripple – 317-257-8262

Tips for Creating the Ultimate Adult Halloween Costume

Classic Characters with a Twist

When it comes to Halloween costumes, there’s nothing wrong with sticking to the classics. But why not add a unique twist to your favorite characters? For example, instead of dressing up as a traditional witch, try incorporating elements from popular TV shows or movies like “Squid Games”, “Bridgerton”, or “The Handmaid’s Tale”. This small twist will make your costume stand out while still staying true to the Halloween spirit.

Get Creative with DIY Costumes

If you’re feeling crafty this Halloween, why not try making your own costume? Not only is it a budget-friendly option, but it also allows for endless possibilities. You can turn everyday items into unique costumes or even create a group theme with friends. Get inspired by browsing online for DIY costume ideas and let your imagination run wild. Plus, the satisfaction of creating your own costume is unbeatable.

Transform with Spray Tanning

One way to instantly elevate any Halloween costume is through spray tanning. A golden glow can make you look like a completely different character or add a touch of glamour to your outfit. For example, if you’re dressing up as a Marvel superhero, spray tanning can help you achieve that strong and effortless look. Or if you’re going for a beach babe or surfer girl costume, a bronzed skin tone will certainly complete the look perfectly. Just remember to opt for a professional spray tan or do thorough research before attempting it at home.

Don’t Forget the Details

Sometimes, it’s the small details that make a big difference in standing out with your Halloween costume. Don’t overlook the power of makeup, accessories, and even props. A simple touch like adding fake blood or scars can take your costume to the next level. And don’t be afraid to go all out with accessories – think elaborate wigs, bold jewelry, or creative headpieces. These finishing touches will make your costume stand out and show off your attention to detail.

Embrace Your Unique Style

Last but not least, don’t be afraid to embrace your unique style when choosing a Halloween costume. If you’re known for being bold and daring, why not go all out with a flashy outfit? Or if you have a passion for vintage fashion, incorporate that into your costume choice. The key is to choose a costume that reflects your personality and showcases your individuality. Standing out at a Halloween party is all about confidently embracing yourself and having fun with it.

Wrapping Up

This brings us to the end of our guide for Halloween costumes for adults. Whether you decide to add a twist to classic characters, get creative with DIY costumes, or embrace your unique style, we hope these tips have inspired you to stand out at any spooky soiree. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and let your creativity shine through. Happy Halloween! 

Are you searching for a nearby tanning salon that provides top-quality tanning beds and products? Contact Broad Ripple Tans at 317-257-8262 to get the best Halloween deals on tanning beds, spray tanning, tanning products, and more! We also offer coupons!

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The Ultimate Guide to Spray Tanning: 10 Tips for Perfect Results

Welcome to our ultimate guide to spray tanning! Achieving that perfect, sun-kissed glow without the harmful UV rays has never been more straightforward. Whether you’re a first-timer or a veteran looking to enhance your spray tanning game, this guide is your one-stop resource.

We’ve gathered ten top-notch spray tanning tips to help you get the most impeccable, long-lasting results. So, tune into your skin care regime, because it’s about to get a bronzed boost! Let’s dive into this golden world of spray tanning.

Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Spray Tan Options in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Spray Tan Options in Indianapolis Indiana

Top 10 Spray Tanning Tips for the Best Results

1. Do Your Research

Before booking your first spray tan session, it’s essential to do some research. Not all spray tans are created equal, and finding a reputable indoor tanning salon with skilled technicians can make all the difference in achieving flawless results. Look for reviews online and ask friends or family members for recommendations. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about their products, methods, and certifications.

2. Exfoliate Beforehand

One of the biggest mistakes people make with spray tanning is not exfoliating beforehand. Dead skin cells can lead to an uneven tan, so it’s crucial to exfoliate your body a day or two before your spray tan appointment. Use a gentle scrub or dry brush to slough off any dead skin cells, paying extra attention to rough areas like elbows, knees, and ankles. This step will ensure a smooth canvas for your tan to develop on.

3. Moisturize Daily

Hydrated skin is essential for maintaining a spray tan’s longevity and keeping it looking its best. Make sure to moisturize daily with an oil-free lotion or spray to help lock in the color and prevent any patchiness. Avoid using heavy or scented lotions as they can interfere with the tanning solution’s absorption.

4. Shave or Wax Beforehand

If you plan on shaving or waxing, make sure to do so at least 24 hours before your spray tan appointment. This will give your pores enough time to close and prevent any tanning solution from getting trapped in them, causing a spotty appearance.

5. Wear Loose Clothing

After your spray tan session, it’s essential to wear loose-fitting clothing to avoid rubbing off the tan or leaving marks on your skin. Opt for dark-colored, loose clothes made of breathable fabrics like cotton. Avoid tight-fitting clothes, as they can rub off your tan and cause patchy results.

6. Don’t Shower Right Away

It’s tempting to shower immediately after your spray tan session, but it’s essential to wait at least 8-10 hours before getting wet. This allows the tanning solution enough time to fully develop and ensures optimal results.

7. Avoid Sweating and Swimming

For the first 24 hours after your spray tan, it’s best to avoid any activities that may cause excessive sweating or swimming. Showering after a spray tan can interfere with the tanning solution and result in an uneven tan.

8. Touch Up as Needed

Depending on your skin type, desired shade, and lifestyle, you may need to touch up your spray tan every 7-10 days. Make sure to follow the salon’s recommendations for touch-ups and use a gradual tanning lotion or spray for a seamless blend.

9. Take Care of Your Skin

Spray tanning can dry out your skin, so it’s crucial to take extra care of it after your session. Use hydrating products like aloe vera, coconut oil, shea butter, or hyaluronic acid to keep your skin moisturized and glowing.

10. Be Mindful of the Drying Time

The tanning solution can take up to 24 hours to fully develop, so be mindful of this when planning your day. Avoid activities that may cause you to sweat excessively or get wet during this time to ensure optimal results.


Spray tanning is a fantastic alternative to traditional tanning methods, but it does require some preparation and aftercare for the best results. By following these ten tips, you’ll be well on your way to achieving that perfect, sun-kissed glow without any harmful UV rays. So go ahead and book that spray tan appointment with confidence, knowing that you’re armed with all the necessary knowledge to rock that bronzed look!

Remember, always prioritize your skin care and do your research for a flawless spray tanning experience. Start now by calling Broad Ripple Tans at 317-257-8262 to schedule a session in our luxury VersaSpa® automated spray tanning beds in Indianapolis, Indiana. Come in as soon as today for our Buy ONE – Get ONE 50% OFF spray tanning special!

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How to Avoid Common Spray Tanning Mistakes

So, you’ve decided to give your skin that perfect sun-kissed glow with a spray tan. Great choice! But wait, before you step into that tanning booth, are you sure you’re doing everything you should be? And more importantly, are you sure you’re not doing something you shouldn’t? When it comes to spray tanning, the preparation is just as important as the process itself.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some common mistakes that you might be making when preparing for your spray tan. Don’t worry, we’ll also provide some helpful tanning tips to ensure your skin looks radiant, natural, and beautifully bronzed. So, let’s dive in!

Call 317-257-8262 to Schedule a Spray Tanning Booth in Broad Ripple Indiana!
Call 317-257-8262 to Schedule a Spray Tanning Booth in Broad Ripple Indiana!

Spray Tanning Mistakes That Are Easily Avoidable

Mistake #1: Failing to Exfoliate

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when preparing for a spray tan is failing to exfoliate your skin. Before applying self-tanner, it’s essential that you scrub away any dead skin cells or product residues from your body. This will ensure your spray tan has an even application and that your skin looks natural and radiant. To exfoliate, use a gentle scrub or loofah, and be sure to focus on any drier areas such as your elbows, knees, ankles, and feet.

Mistake #2: Not Applying Moisturizer

Another common mistake is forgetting to apply moisturizer before a spray tanning session. Applying a light, oil-free moisturizer to your skin is essential for achieving an even tan and preventing streaks or blotches. Not only that, but it will also help keep your skin hydrated and nourished.

Mistake #3: Skipping the Barrier Cream

You may have heard of barrier creams before, but what exactly are they? Barrier creams are special creams that act as a barrier between your skin and the tanning solution. This helps to prevent any over-saturation of product in certain areas, resulting in a more even application. When purchasing a barrier cream, make sure that it is specifically formulated for spray tans.

Mistake #4: Not Wearing Protective Covers

To ensure your spray tan looks its best, you should always wear protective ointment. When applying the tanning solution, it’s important to protect your crevices and dry skin from staining or discoloration. You can do this by applying petroleum jelly to your knuckles, elbows, and knees. Additionally, if possible, try to avoid any tight-fitting garments as these can leave you with an uneven tan.

Mistake #5: Choosing the Wrong Shade

Another mistake that is often made when spray tanning is choosing the wrong shade. When selecting a shade, it’s important to choose one that matches your natural skin tone – not one that’s too dark or light for your complexion. If you’re unsure of which color to choose, you can always ask an expert for advice.

General Tanning Tips

Now that we’ve covered some common mistakes, let’s go over some helpful tanning tips for the perfect spray tan. First and foremost, make sure to exfoliate your skin thoroughly before each session – this will help ensure your tan looks even and natural. Additionally, it’s important to wear protective clothing and apply a barrier cream before each session. Finally, when selecting a shade, opt for one that matches your natural skin tone for the best results.

In Conclusion

Following these tips and avoiding common spray tanning mistakes will help you achieve the perfect glow without any of those nasty streaks or blotches. With your newfound knowledge in tow, you can now enjoy a beautiful sun-kissed tan without any worry.

Read to get your spray tan glow on? Contact Broad Ripple Tans at 317-257-8262 to learn about our amazing automated spray tanning beds, regular tanning beds, tanning coupons, and more.

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Get that Sun Kissed Glow with These DIY Spray Tanning Tips

Welcome to the world of sunless tanning, where the golden glow of summer can be yours all year round. If you’re a fan of the radiant, sun-kissed look but want to avoid the risks of harmful UV rays or the hassle of scheduling an indoor tanning salon visit, you’ve come to the right place.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the ins and outs of DIY spray tanning. With the right knowledge and a little bit of practice, you can achieve that perfect spray tan, right in the comfort of your own home. Read on to learn the secrets to a flawless, streak-free tan without stepping foot outside.

Call 317-257-8262 to Schedule a Spray Tanning Booth in Broad Ripple  Indianapolis
Call 317-257-8262 to Schedule a Spray Tanning Booth in Broad Ripple Indianapolis

Tips to Get it Right with Your DIY Spray Tanning

Prep Work is Essential – Before you get started on your spray tan, make sure you prep with responsible skin care! Exfoliate your skin and shave or wax any areas you want to be smooth. This will help the solution adhere evenly and avoid patchy spots.

Protect Your Hands – Before you start spraying, make sure to cover your hands and nails with a barrier cream. This will prevent them from absorbing the tanning solution and allow you to apply it in an even layer without leaving any streaks or patches behind.

Wear the Right Clothing – Choose loose-fitting clothing that is comfortable and easy to move around in. It’s also important to wear something that won’t rub off the tanning solution, such as an old T-shirt or a robe.

Choose Your Color – Before you begin spraying, decide what color you want your tan to be. If you’re new to spray tanning, it may be helpful to start with a lighter shade and work up from there as you become more comfortable.

Spray in a Well-Ventilated Area – Avoid using spray tanning solution in a confined space without good ventilation, as the fumes can be harmful to your health. If possible, do it outdoors or in a bathroom with the fan on.

Use Short, Steady Strokes – When spraying the tanning solution, use short, steady strokes and move the canister in a circular motion. This will help to ensure that the tanning solution is spread evenly and there are no streaks or patches.

Apply Less Pressure – Applying too much pressure when using the spray tanning solution can cause an uneven application and blotchy spots. Instead, keep your hand light and move the canister in a gentle, circular motion.

Rinse Off and Enjoy – Once you have finished spraying your tanning solution, rinse off the excess and enjoy your sun-kissed glow! With these tips at hand, you are ready to flaunt your perfect DIY spray tan with confidence.

Now Put These Spray Tan Tips to Good Use!

In conclusion, achieving a sun-kissed glow doesn’t require a trip to the beach or an appointment at an indoor tanning salon. With a bit of preparation, the right equipment, and following our step-by-step guide, you can master the art of spray tanning from the comfort of your own home. Remember, the key to a flawless spray tan is practice, patience, and devotion to detail.

Professional Spray Tanning Versus DIY spray tans

Even if you think you are practically a professional now that you have spray tanned yourself numerous times, there is still no comparison to the results you get with a professional spray tanning session. Moreover, most indoor tanning salons now have automated spray tanning booths that allow you to be alone and call the shots as you like! Here are the top 3 reasons why you should consider professional spray tans over DIY spray tanning:

1. Professional Spray Tanning Services Are More Accurate

When you get a spray tan from a professional, you can be sure that the results will be more accurate and even than if you were to attempt it yourself. Professionals are highly trained in the application of spray tans and know how to evenly distribute the tanning solution on your skin. This ensures that your tan looks natural and flawless, without any streaks or patches. Additionally, professionals have access to higher quality products which can give you better results than those available for at-home use.

2. Safety

Another benefit of professional spray tanning services is that they are much safer than self-tanning. Professional salons use special equipment to ensure that the tanning solution is applied safely and evenly on your skin, reducing the risk of burns or other skin irritations. Additionally, many professional salons also use airbrush machines or automatic booths, which reduce the amount of product used and ensure an even application every time.

3. Time Saving

Finally, professional spray tans are much faster than self-tanning applications. When you go to a professional salon, they will be able to apply your tan in just minutes, leaving you with a beautiful and natural looking tan without having to spend hours applying it yourself! Plus, most salons offer touch up appointments so that you can keep your tan looking fresh and flawless all year round!

Are you looking for a local tanning salon that can guarantee a great spray tan result? If so, visit Broad Ripple Tans, or give us a call at 317-257-8262 to learn all about our tanning beds and spray tanning services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also have top of the line automated spray tan booths!

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