Your Ultimate Guide to Post-Tanning Skin Care

When it comes to achieving a glowing tan, the work doesn’t end after you step out of the sun, tanning bed, or finish applying that perfect sunless tanner. Proper post-tanning skin care is crucial for maintaining that beautiful glow and ensuring your skin stays healthy. This blog post aims to be your ultimate guide to post-tanning skin care, so keep reading for tips and tricks on how to achieve and maintain that perfect tan!

Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Post Tanning Skin Care Products in Broad Ripple
Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Post Tanning Skin Care Products in Broad Ripple

Understanding How Tanning Affects Your Skin

To appreciate the importance of post-tanning skincare, it’s essential to understand how tanning works. Whether achieved through natural sunlight, tanning beds, or sunless tanning products, the process can affect your skin in different ways.

Natural Sun Exposure

When exposed to natural sunlight, your skin produces melanin, the pigment responsible for your tan. This reaction is your body’s defense mechanism against harmful UV rays. While a golden hue is often desirable, prolonged exposure to UV rays can lead to skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer.

Tanning Beds Versus Sunless Tanning

Tanning beds use artificial UV light to stimulate melanin production, often resulting in a quicker tan compared to natural sunlight. However, the concentrated UV exposure can cause significant skin damage if not managed properly.

On the other hand, sunless tanning products contain dihydroxyacetone (DHA), which reacts with the amino acids in the outermost layer of your skin to create a tan. This method avoids UV damage but requires diligent maintenance to keep your tan looking fresh.

Crafting a Good Post-Tanning Skin Care Routine

Once you’ve achieved your desired tan, it’s crucial to follow a comprehensive skincare routine to keep your skin healthy and your tan vibrant.

Step 1: Hydration is Key

Tanning can dehydrate your skin, making it essential to replenish moisture. Use a hydrating body lotion or oil daily to keep your skin soft and supple. Look for products containing aloe vera or hyaluronic acid, which are excellent for retaining moisture.

Step 2: Gentle Exfoliation

Exfoliating helps remove dead skin cells and prevents your tan from looking patchy. Opt for a gentle exfoliant to avoid stripping away your tan too quickly. Aim to exfoliate 2-3 times a week, focusing on areas prone to dryness, like elbows and knees.

Step 3: Sun Protection

Even after tanning, protecting your skin from further UV damage is vital. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every time you go outdoors. This not only protects your skin but also prolongs the life of your tan.

Tailoring Your Routine to Different Tanning Methods

Different tanning methods require specific aftercare to maintain and enhance your glow. Whether you are a sunbather, sunless tan fan, or tanning bed lover, these tips will help tailor your routine:

Sunbathers’ Care Tips

If you love sunbathing, ensure you’re drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated. Use after-sun lotions with cooling ingredients like aloe vera to soothe any potential sunburn. Moisturize frequently to prevent peeling and extend your tan’s lifespan.

Sunless Tanners’ Care Tips

For those using sunless tanners, maintain your tan by applying a gradual tanning lotion between applications. Avoid long baths or showers, as they can cause your tan to fade faster. Pat your skin dry with a towel instead of rubbing to retain the tan.

Tanning Bed Users’ Care Tips

Tanning bed enthusiasts should focus on using products specifically designed for after tanning bed care. These products often contain ingredients that help repair and nourish the skin. Additionally, limit your sessions to avoid overexposure to UV rays.

Addressing Common Post-Tanning Skin Issues

Post-tanning can bring about several skin concerns, but with the right care, you can address them effectively. Here are some common issues and tips for abating them:

Sunburn – Despite precautions, sunburn can happen. If you experience sunburn, apply aloe vera gel or a soothing after-sun lotion to calm the skin. Cool compresses and staying hydrated can also help speed up recovery.

Dryness – Dry skin is a common issue post-tanning. Incorporate a rich moisturizer into your daily routine to combat dryness. Ingredients like shea butter and coconut oil are excellent for locking in moisture.

Premature Aging – Prolonged UV exposure can accelerate skin aging. To combat this, use products containing antioxidants like vitamin C and E, which help neutralize free radicals. Regular application of sunscreen is also crucial in preventing further damage.

Essential Post-Tanning Do’s:

  • Hydrate from Within – Drinking plenty of water is essential to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day to support your skin’s natural moisture balance.
  • Use Tan-Extending Products – Tan-extending lotions can help maintain your glow for longer. These products typically contain ingredients that gradually enhance your tan while moisturizing your skin.
  • Avoid Hot Showers and Baths –  Hot water can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and a quicker fade of your tan. Opt for lukewarm water when showering and keep showers short to preserve your tan.

Post-Tanning Don’ts:

  • Don’t Skip Moisturizing – Skipping moisturizer can lead to dry, flaky skin and a patchy tan. Make moisturizing a non-negotiable step in your daily routine to keep your skin smooth and your tan even.
  • Don’t Forget Sunscreen – Even with a tan, your skin is still susceptible to UV damage. Never skip sunscreen and reapply every two hours when outdoors to protect your skin and prolong your tan.
  • Don’t Over-Exfoliate – While exfoliation is essential, overdoing it can strip away your tan. Stick to a gentle exfoliation routine to maintain your glow without causing damage.


Taking care of your skin post-tanning is essential for maintaining a beautiful, healthy glow. By following a dedicated skincare routine, you can prolong your tan and keep your skin in top condition. Remember, hydration, gentle exfoliation, and sun protection are key components of any post-tanning skincare regimen.

Ready to elevate your post-tanning skincare game? Visit Broad Ripple Tans for top quality tanning beds and tanning products in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also have top of the line automated spray tan booths!

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Post-Tanning Care: Maintaining Your Glow

Walking out of a tanning salon with sun-kissed skin is a boost of confidence, but the process doesn’t stop when the lights go off. The afterglow of your tan requires just as much attention as the pre-tan prep. In this post, we’ll guide beauty enthusiasts and skin care connoisseurs through the essential steps of post-tanning care to ensure your tan doesn’t just look good—it’s also healthy and long-lasting.

Call 317-257-8262 For Indoor Tanning in  Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-257-8262 For Indoor Tanning in Indianapolis Indiana

The Science of Tanning

Before we jump into post-tanning care, it’s important to understand what tanning does to your skin. Whether you opt for UV tanning beds or a sunless tanning method like spray tans, the goal is to change the pigment of your skin. UV tanning stimulates melanin production, while sunless tanning involves a chemical reaction on the outermost layers of skin. No matter the method, your skin needs proper care immediately after tanning and beyond.

Immediate Post-Tanning Care


Keep your skin quenched to maintain elasticity and avoid peeling. Regular hydration helps your skin stay supple and healthy-looking. A fragrance-free, intensively moisturizing lotion should become your new best friend, as it provides deep hydration without irritating sensitive skin. Apply it generously after showers and throughout the day to keep your skin in top condition.

Cooling the Skin

If you feel any heat on your skin post-tanning, a gentle, soothing aloe Vera-based product can provide relief. Steer clear of hot showers or baths and opt for cooler water to keep your skin calm and comfortable. Also avoid testing or experimenting with new skin care products to prevent bad reactions or rashes.

Clothing Choice

After your tanning session, it’s important to wear loose, soft clothing made from natural fibers. This not only prevents irritation but also allows your skin to breathe, promoting a more comfortable and healthier recovery. Opt for fabrics like cotton or linen to ensure maximum comfort and to help maintain the results of your tanning session.

Long-Term Tan Maintenance

Moisturizing Regimen

Committing to daily moisturization will not only help to prolong your tan but also ensure your skin stays smooth and supple. Moisturizing daily can prevent peeling and dryness, maintaining that sun-kissed glow longer. When choosing a moisturizer, look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid or ceramides that effectively keep in moisture, creating a barrier that keeps your skin hydrated throughout the day. Additionally, incorporating aloe Vera or vitamin E can provide extra soothing and healing benefits.

Importance of Exfoliation

Gently exfoliate once a week to keep your skin sleek and to encourage an even fade of your tan. Use a mild scrub or exfoliating glove to remove dead skin cells, which helps to reveal fresh, smooth skin underneath. Exfoliation preps your skin for an evenly distributed layer of moisture, ensuring that your skin stays hydrated and your tan remains consistent. This routine can also help prevent clogged pores and improve skin texture over time.

Sunscreen Use

Protect your skin with a broad-spectrum sunscreen, which guards against both UVA and UVB rays. Any exposure to the sun can amplify UV damage, even if you’re already tanned. Regular use of sunscreen not only prevents sunburn but also lowers the probability of skin cancer and premature aging. Remember to reapply every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating, to maintain optimal protection.

Sensitive Skin Care After Tanning

For those with sensitive skin, post-tanning care should prioritize reducing inflammation. Hypoallergenic products designed for vulnerable skin can help avoid adverse reactions. If you experience a burn, treat it at home with cooling gels designed for burn relief, ice packs, and OTC pain medication. You may even want to consider consulting a dermatologist.

Enhancing Your Tan

Proper Nutrition

Beyond topicals, your diet can significantly impact your skin’s glow and overall health. Consuming foods high in antioxidants, such as berries, nuts, and green leafy vegetables, can protect your skin cells from damage and promote a youthful appearance. Additionally, foods rich in beta-carotene, like carrots and sweet potatoes, can contribute to an enhanced skin tone by providing essential nutrients that support skin health. By incorporating these nutrient-dense foods into your diet, you can help maintain a radiant and healthy complexion from the inside out.

Tan Extenders

Look for tan extending products that contain gentle bronzers or moisturizers, which not only enhance the vibrancy of your tan but also keep your skin hydrated and healthy. These products often include nourishing ingredients like aloe Vera, vitamin E, and other skin-loving compounds that help maintain a natural glow while preventing dryness and flakiness. By incorporating such products into your routine, you can enjoy a radiant and long-lasting tan all year round.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should I wait to shower after tanning?

It’s recommended to wait at least 4-6 hours before showering after a UV tanning session, and at least 8 hours for a spray tan. This allows the tan to fully develop and ensures maximum results.

When is the best time to exfoliate after tanning?

Wait at least 24 hours after tanning before exfoliating. This gives your tan enough time to fully develop and ensures an even fade.

Can I still tan while using sunscreen?

Yes, but it’s always important to prioritize protecting your skin. Make sure to reapply sunscreen every two hours and limit your sun exposure during peak hours to reduce the risk of sun damage.


Consistency in your post-tanning care regimen is crucial in maintaining a radiant tan that wows. Regular moisturizing, gentle exfoliation, and effective protection against the sun are your keys to a lasting tan. Want to perfect the art of tanning? Visit our salon for top-of-the-line advice, beds, booths, and aftercare products tailored for your sunless tanning needs.

Remember, a beautiful tan is a healthy tan — and it all starts with the right care after you step out of the light. Visit Broad Ripple Tans, or give us a call at 317-257-8262 to learn all about our tanning beds and spray tanning services in Indianapolis, Indiana. We have top of the line automated spray tan booths and a wide selection of tanning lotions and products.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Indoor Tanning Lotion

Indoor tanning has become a popular choice for many, providing a controlled environment to achieve that sun-kissed glow. However, achieving the perfect tan isn’t just about spending time in a tanning bed; it’s also about using the right products. Indoor tanning lotion plays a crucial role in enhancing your tanning experience and ensuring your skin remains healthy and hydrated.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about indoor tanning lotion. Whether you’re a seasoned tanner or new to the world of indoor tanning, this post will provide valuable insights, tips, and answers to common questions.

Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Indoor Tanning Lotion Selection at our Broad Ripple Salon!
Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Indoor Tanning Lotion Selection at our Broad Ripple Salon!

Key Benefits of Using Indoor Tanning Lotions

Indoor tanning lotions offer several benefits that can significantly enhance your tanning results and skin health:

Accelerated Tanning: Many indoor tanning lotions contain ingredients that stimulate melanin production, helping you achieve a deeper tan faster.

Hydration: Tanning can dry out your skin. Tanning lotions are formulated with moisturizing ingredients to keep your skin hydrated and supple.

Even Tan: Tanning lotions can help ensure an even application, reducing the risk of streaks or uneven patches.

Skin Protection: Some lotions contain vitamins and antioxidants that protect your skin from damage and promote overall skin health.

Prolonged Tan: By keeping your skin moisturized, tanning lotions can help extend the life of your tan.

Common Misconceptions About Tanning Lotions

There are several misconceptions about indoor tanning lotions that can lead to confusion:

Myth: Regular Moisturizer is EnoughWhile regular moisturizers can hydrate your skin, they don’t contain the tanning accelerators and other beneficial ingredients found in specialized tanning lotions.

Myth: Indoor Tanning Lotions are HarmfulHigh-quality tanning lotions are formulated to be safe and beneficial for the skin. It’s important to choose products from reputable brands.

Myth: All Tanning Lotions are the SameThere are different types of tanning lotions designed for various skin types and tanning needs. Choosing the right one for you can make a significant difference.

Understanding the Ingredients in Tanning Lotions

To make an informed choice, it’s essential to understand some of the common ingredients found in indoor tanning lotions:

  • Tyrosine: An amino acid that stimulates melanin production, aiding in faster tanning.
  • Moisturizers: Ingredients like aloe vera, coconut oil, and shea butter keep the skin hydrated.
  • Bronzers: Provide an immediate tan effect that deepens over a few hours.
  • DHA (Dihydroxyacetone): A common ingredient in bronzers that reacts with the skin to produce a tan-like color.
  • Vitamins and Antioxidants: Vitamins A, C, and E, along with green tea extract and other antioxidants, protect the skin and promote skin health.

How to Choose the Right Tanning Lotion for Your Skin Type

Selecting the right tanning lotion for your skin type is crucial for achieving the best results:

  • Fair Skin: Look for lotions with higher moisturizing content and gradual bronzers to build a tan slowly.
  • Medium Skin: Accelerators and moderate bronzers can help you achieve a richer tan.
  • Dark Skin: Intensifiers and strong bronzers can enhance your natural color.
  • Sensitive Skin: Opt for hypoallergenic formulas with gentle ingredients to avoid irritation.

Tips for Applying Tanning Lotion Correctly

Proper application of tanning lotion ensures even coverage and optimal results:

  • Exfoliate: Before applying lotion, exfoliate your skin to remove dead cells and ensure an even tan.
  • Apply Evenly: Use a generous amount of lotion and apply it evenly to all areas.
  • Focus on Dry Areas: Pay extra attention to dry areas like elbows, knees, and ankles to prevent uneven tanning.
  • Wash Hands: After application, wash your hands thoroughly to avoid staining.

Safety Guidelines for Using Tanning Lotions

Safety should always be a priority when using tanning lotions:

  • Patch Test: Before using a new product, do a patch test to check for any allergic reactions.
  • Follow Instructions: Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use.
  • Protect Sensitive Areas: Use protective eyewear and cover sensitive areas to prevent burns or overexposure.
  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out.

FAQs About Indoor Tanning Lotions

1. Can I use outdoor tanning lotion in a tanning bed?

No, outdoor tanning lotions are not formulated for use with tanning beds. They often contain ingredients that can damage the acrylic surfaces of tanning beds.

2. How often should I apply indoor tanning lotion?

Apply tanning lotion before each tanning session to ensure your skin is adequately prepared and protected.

3. Can I use tanning lotion on my face?

Yes, but it’s recommended to use a lotion specifically formulated for facial use, as the skin on your face is more sensitive.

4. Will tanning lotion stain my clothes?

Quality tanning lotions should not stain your clothes, but it’s best to allow the lotion to absorb fully into your skin before dressing.

5. How long does a bottle of tanning lotion last?

The duration depends on the frequency of use and the amount applied. Generally, a bottle can last several weeks to a few months.

6. Is indoor tanning lotion safe for all skin types?

Most tanning lotions are safe for all skin types, but those with sensitive skin should choose hypoallergenic options and perform a patch test before use.

Key Takeaways

Indoor tanning lotion is an essential companion for anyone looking to enhance their tanning experience and maintain healthy, hydrated skin. By understanding the benefits, ingredients, and proper application techniques, you can achieve a beautiful, even tan safely and effectively.

Ready to take your tanning to the next level with some new lotions and innovative units? Contact Broad Ripple Tans at 317-257-8262 for personalized advice and exclusive offers tailored to your needs. We offer top quality tanning beds and tanning products in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also offer coupons!

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How to Apply Tanning Lotion: A Beginner’s Guide

Are you looking to achieve a sun-kissed glow without the harmful UV rays? Tanning lotions can be a safe and effective way to add a golden hue to your skin, but proper application is key to an even, natural-looking tan. Whether you’re stepping into a tanning bed or basking under the sun, mastering the art of tanning lotion application can make all the difference. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of applying tanning lotion, from selecting the right product to post-application care.

Tanning Lotions and More in Broad Ripple! Call 317-257-8262 Today!
Tanning Lotions and More in Broad Ripple! Call 317-257-8262 Today!

Choosing the Right Tanning Lotion

Selecting the right tanning lotion is the first step towards a successful faux tan. Here are some factors to consider:

Understanding Your Skin Type

Just like with regular sunscreen, different tanning creams are formulated for various skin types. Fair skin may burn easily, while darker skin tones might tan more quickly. Be sure to choose a tanning lotion that matches your skin’s needs, whether that includes a lower SPF for more sensitive skin or a higher SPF to start with if you tan easily.

Tanning Bed Lotion vs. Sun Tanning Lotion

Tanning bed creams are designed to enhance the tanning process and often contain ingredients that promote melanin production. On the other hand, sun tanning lotions provide protection from UV rays while aiding in tanning development. Make sure you use the correct type of lotion for your tanning method.

Selecting the Appropriate SPF Level

The SPF level in a tanning lotion determines the amount of UVB protection it offers. Higher SPF levels provide more protection, and some tanning creams offer SPF as high as 30 or 50. For protection against UVA rays, look for a “broad-spectrum” formula.

How to Prep Your Skin for Tanning Cream

Proper preparation of your skin is crucial to ensuring a smooth and even application.

Exfoliation for Smooth Skin

Use a gentle exfoliating scrub to slough off dead skin cells. Pay particular attention to rough areas like elbows, knees, and the tops of your feet. This step will prevent the tanning lotion from clinging to dry patches, which can lead to an uneven tan.

Moisturizing Dry Areas

After exfoliating, apply a moisturizer to any areas that tend to be drier. This will help the skin absorb the tanning cream more evenly and prevent these areas from becoming too dark.

The Process of Applying Tanning Lotion

Now that you’re ready to apply the tanning lotion, here’s how to do it effectively for a seamless tan.

▶ Start with a Small Amount

Less is more when it comes to tanning lotion. Begin with a small dollop and add more as needed. Smearing on too much at once can lead to over-application and an unnatural, uneven tan.

▶ Use Circular Motions for Even Coverage

Apply the product using small, circular motions. This technique helps distribute the product evenly and ensures you don’t miss any spots.

▶ Pay Attention to Elbows, Knees, and Hands

These areas are notorious for looking too dark after tanning. Use a minimal amount of product or a separate, lighter tanning lotion designed for these body parts, applying it with a gentle touch.

Post-Application Tips

After you’ve applied the tanning product, there are a few crucial steps to ensure your tan sets perfectly.

Allow Time for the Lotion to Dry

Wait at least ten minutes for the tanning lotion to absorb and dry completely before getting dressed or getting into water. Failure to do this can result in streaks, an uneven tan, and stained clothing.

Hydrate the Skin Regularly

Keep your skin hydrated to maintain your tan for as long as possible. Drink plenty of water, and apply a good moisturizer daily to keep the color from fading too quickly.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some common mistakes and how to avoid them when using tanning creams:

Applying Too Much: Start with a little and build up. You can always add more, but it’s hard to take any away.

Skipping Exfoliation: Smooth skin is key for an even tan, so exfoliate thoroughly before applying your lotion.

Forgetting to Moisturize: Hydrated skin means an even tan. Moisturize deep, dry areas to ensure uniform color.

Not Waiting for Lotion to Dry: Patience is a virtue here. Wait for your lotion to dry to avoid issues later.

Using the Wrong SPF: Match your SPF to your skin type for the best results. Protect yourself first, then focus on tanning.

Missing Blending Steps: Be extra careful around elbows, knees, and hands to blend properly.

Product Recommendations

For those looking for quality tanning products, consider brands like Australian Gold, known for its unique combinations of exotic ingredients and sun protection, Swedish Beauty, which offers a wide range of intensifier and bronzing lotions, and Hempz, which focuses on all-natural, moisturizing formulas.

Key Takeaways

Applying tanning lotion can seem like a simple step in your beauty routine, but following these guidelines will help you avoid common pitfalls and achieve a radiant tan that lasts. Remember to always prioritize skincare and protection even when you’re looking to achieve that desired beachy hue. Happy tanning, and enjoy your sun-kissed glow!

Looking for a clean local tanning salon in Indy with top-notch tanning lotions and services? Contact Broad Ripple Tans at 317-257-8262 to get the best deals on tanning beds, spray tanning, tanning products, and more! We also offer coupons!

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How Often Should You Visit a Tanning Salon?

Are you basking in the golden glow of the tanning salon world, wondering how often your skin can safely revel in this artificial sunshine? As we peel back the layers of indoor tanning, it becomes clear that responsible exposure is not only an art but a science that dovetails perfectly with your skin’s health and your personal aesthetic. Delve into the nuances of tanning frequency, and you’ll find a wealth of information to sculpt the perfect tanning routine.

Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our  Tanning Beds in  Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Tanning Beds in Indianapolis Indiana

Typical Services Offered at Your Local Tanning Salon

Before we tan, it’s important to understand the range of services a salon offers. From traditional tanning beds to modern spray tanning systems, a tanning salon is more than just a bedroom for the sun-starved; it’s a beauty institution with a buffet of glow-inducing options.

Tanning Beds – Tanning beds offer UV exposure akin to natural sunlight. With changing technologies, these beds have become safer and more efficient, providing a controlled environment for tanning.

Spray Tanning – For those seeking a tan without the UV exposure, spray tanning provides an even, bronzed skin tone that can last for several days.

Tanning Products – Tanning accelerators, bronzers, and tan extenders are your allies in the quest for the perfect tan. They blend science and skincare to enhance and prolong your tanning results.

The Benefits of Indoor Tanning

Indoor tanning isn’t just about the color. Regular, controlled exposure can boost your mood through increased vitamin D production and can aid in conditions like psoriasis and eczema. The warmth and glow after a tanning session can trigger the release of endorphins, making you feel happier and more relaxed. For some individuals, specifically those with certain dermatological conditions, moderate tanning can act as an affordable and accessible treatment to reduce symptoms.

Determining Your Tanning Frequency

Finding the right tanning frequency is crucial. Your personal tanning schedule should reflect your skin’s natural UV tolerance, your desire for a tan, and your ability to maintain it. Pale or light-toned individuals might start with shorter sessions (around 6 minutes) every 2-3 days before gradually increasing if desired and tolerated.

Sensitive skin types must start slow and steady, with an emphasis on protection and hydration. Consistency is key; sticking to the same schedule can prevent overdoing it. Moreover, skin changes with the seasons, so should your tanning habits. Less exposure in winter and shorter sessions in summer can maintain a year-round healthy glow.

Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Tanning Experience

Tanning is an investment in your skin’s appearance, so treat it with the reverence it deserves. Here are some practical tips to ensure your tanning time is quality time.

Prep Work – Exfoliate and moisturize your skin the night before you tan. This removes dead skin and creates an even canvas for the tanning solution.

Sunscreen – Indoor tanning lotions with SPF might sound counterintuitive, but they help protect the skin from the dangers of overexposure by limiting UV penetration.

Staying Hydrated – Drink water before and after tanning to combat dehydration, which can accelerate aging and diminish the quality of your tan.

How to Practice Skin Safety When Tanning Indoors

Indoor tanning must be approached with caution. Overexposure can have detrimental effects on your skin, from premature aging to an increased risk of skin cancer. Redness and discomfort after tanning are signs of overexposure. If you’ve sunburned, you’ve gone too far. Repeated and prolonged UV exposure, especially in tanning beds, can lead to skin damage, including wrinkles and age spots, as well as skin cancer risk.

Important Post-Tanning Tips

After your tanning session, the right after-tan routine can maintain the integrity of your tan and protect your skin.Choosing the right post-tan product, like a moisturizer or tan extender with DHA, can prolong the life of your tan and keep skin healthy. Furthermore, incorporate a balanced diet and a skincare routine that complements your tanning habits to keep your skin radiant and your health in check.

Crafting Your Perfect Tanning Schedule

The ideal frequency for using a tanning bed depends on various personal factors, including your skin type and the specific results you’re aiming to achieve. The Skin Cancer Foundation advises that indoor tanning beds should be used cautiously due to the risks associated with UV exposure. However, if you decide to pursue tanning bed usage, it is generally recommended to start with moderation.

For instance, those with fairer skin types may begin with one short session per week, and depending on how your skin reacts, you can slowly increase the frequency, but never exceed more than three sessions per week. It’s essential to allow for a minimum 48-hour rest period between sessions to let your skin recover, as this can help minimize the risk of overexposure.

If ever in doubt, consult with a dermatologist to receive tailor-made advice that takes into account your individual needs and the health of your skin. Remember to always prioritize your skin’s well-being and listen to its feedback after each tanning session.

Sunless Tanning as an Alternative

If the risks of UV exposure are concerning, or if the schedule for in-person tanning just doesn’t fit, sunless tanning might be the optimal solution. It’s a safe and effective way to maintain that sun-kissed look without any of the risks associated with UV rays. Self-tanning products have come a long way. With practice and patience, you can achieve a natural-looking tan without stepping foot in a salon.

When in Doubt, Get an Expert’s Opinion

To bring this discussion full circle, a professional in the realm of skin health shares insights on tanning and its impact. Seeking the wisdom of a dermatologist can provide personalized guidance on safe tanning practices and debunk common myths.


Tanning can be a pleasurable experience that enhances your appearance, but it must be approached with an informed and cautious mindset. The commitment to responsible tanning practices is a pledge to the health and longevity of your skin.

Indulge in the benefits of that golden patina, but always with an awareness of the balance between beauty and wellness. Contact Broad Ripple Tans at 317-257-8262 to get the best deals on tanning beds, spray tanning, tanning products, and more! We also offer coupons!

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Achieve the Perfect Glow: Understanding Different Tanning Methods

Welcome to the journey of achieving the perfect glow! With the plethora of tanning methods available today, it can be a daunting task to find the right one to suit your specific needs. Whether you’re a seasoned tanning enthusiast, or a novice just dipping your toes into the world of artificial sun-kissed skins, having a solid understanding of different tanning methods can be truly beneficial.

In this blog, we will delve into the world of tanning beds, spray tanning, and self-tanners, providing you with the insights you need to make an informed decision. So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey and discover the method that will give you that desired radiant glow!

Call 317-257-8262 For Indoor Tanning in  Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-257-8262 For Indoor Tanning in Indianapolis Indiana

Different Ways to Get a Tan

Tanning Beds

Tanning beds, less commonly known as sunbeds, are a popular choice for those looking to achieve a bronzed complexion. These beds use UV rays to stimulate the production of melanin in the skin, resulting in a tan. With regular use, tanning beds can provide a deep and long-lasting tan. However, it is important to note that the UV rays emitted by tanning beds can be harmful to the skin, leading to premature aging and an increased risk of skin cancer. It is crucial to always wear protective eyewear and limit your exposure time in a tanning bed. Additionally, it is not recommended for those with fair skin or a history of skin cancer to use tanning beds.

Spray Tanning

Spray tanning, also known as sunless tanning, is a popular alternative to traditional tanning methods. It involves the application of a mist or spray containing DHA (dihydroxyacetone) onto the skin, which reacts with the amino acids on the surface of the skin to produce a temporary tan. The color can last up to 10 days, depending on how well you take care of your skin. Spray tanning is considered a safer option compared to tanning beds, as it does not involve exposure to harmful UV rays. However, it is important to exfoliate and moisturize the skin before and after spray tanning to ensure an even application and longer-lasting results.


Self-tanners come in various forms, including lotions, creams, gels, and mousses. These products contain DHA, which reacts with the skin to produce a tan similar to spray tanning. The main difference is that self-tanners require manual application onto the skin. They are a popular choice for those looking for a natural-looking tan without the risks associated with UV light exposure. However, it is essential to exfoliate and moisturize before applying self-tanner to avoid streaks and uneven patches. It may take a few trial and error attempts to find the perfect self-tanning product for your skin type, but with patience and practice, you can achieve a beautiful, sun-kissed glow.

Natural Sun Tanning

While we have discussed artificial tanning methods, it is essential to mention natural sun tanning as well. While sun exposure can provide a natural and long-lasting tan, it also comes with its risks, such as sunburn and skin damage. It is crucial to always wear sunscreen when spending time in the sun and to limit your exposure during peak hours. Additionally, remember to always stay hydrated and take breaks in the shade to avoid overexposure.

Indoor Tanning Safety Tips

No matter which tanning method you choose, it is important to understand and practice safety measures. Here are some tips to keep in mind when using tanning beds or spray tanning:

▷ Always wear protective eyewear to avoid damaging your eyes.

▷ Limit your exposure time according to your skin type.

▷ Do not use tanning beds if you have a history of skin cancer.

▷ Exfoliate and moisturize your skin before and after tanning for better results.

▷ Stay hydrated to prevent dehydration and skin damage.


There are various tanning methods available today, each with their pros and cons. It is crucial to understand these methods and their effects on the skin to make an informed decision. Remember to always prioritize safety when it comes to achieving a tan, whether it be through indoor or outdoor methods. With proper care and knowledge, you can achieve that perfect glow without putting your health at risk. So go ahead, explore different tanning methods, and find the one that works best for you. Here’s to a radiant and healthy glow!

Are you looking for a tanning salon in Indy that offers all these methods of tanning at affordable prices? Visit Broad Ripple Tans for the best spray tanning services, automated spray tanning booths, lay down and stand up tanning booths, tanning packages, and coupons!

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The Not-So-Sunny Side of Self-Tanners: What You Need to Know

As the quest for the perfect sun-kissed glow continues, many are turning to self-tanners as a safer alternative to the harmful rays of the sun. But whilst these products provide a seemingly convenient and risk-free path to achieving that desired bronzed look, there’s a not-so-sunny side to self-tanning that often goes overlooked.

This blog post aims to shed light on the hidden aspects of self-tanners, the importance of self-tanner remover, and what you need to know before you reach for that bottle of instant summer. Buckle up and prepare for an enlightening journey into the world of self-tanning.

Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Spray Tanning Specials in Broad Ripple Indiana
Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Spray Tanning Specials in Broad Ripple Indiana

The Risks of Self-Tanning

It’s no secret that prolonged exposure to the sun can have damaging effects on our skin, including premature aging and an increased risk of skin cancer. In contrast, self-tanning products offer a quick and easy way to achieve a tan without the need for harmful UV rays. However, what many people don’t realize is that self-tanners still contain chemicals that can pose potential risks to our health.

These chemicals, such as dihydroxyacetone (DHA) and erythrulose, are responsible for darkening the skin by interacting with the amino acids in the top layer of our skin. While these ingredients are approved by regulatory bodies for cosmetic use, they can still cause allergic reactions or irritation for some individuals. In addition, there have also been concerns about the inhalation or ingestion of self-tanner products and their potential effects on internal organs.

Self-Tanner Mistakes

Aside from risks, many are guilty of committing some common mistakes when applying self-tanners. The most frequent blunder is applying too much in a single go, which results in a blotchy or uneven color. Another common mistake is using a poor quality product that delivers unpredictable results. Also, over-exfoliating your skin before applying self-tanner is another common mistake that causes patches of darker color; it’s best to exfoliate several hours before applying the self-tanner. Finally, many people make the mistake of choosing the wrong shade or type of self-tanner, resulting in an orange tone that is not the sought-after natural-looking bronze. Avoid these mistakes, and you’ll be well on your way to a perfect, glowing summer look.

The Importance of Self-Tanner Remover

Another aspect to consider when using self-tanners is the importance of proper removal. While it may be tempting to simply scrub off the excess product or let it fade naturally, this can lead to uneven and patchy results. This is where self-tanner remover comes in – a specifically formulated product that helps break down and remove the tanning agents from your skin. By using a proper self-tanner remover, you can ensure that your tan fades evenly and without any unsightly streaks or patches.

What You Need to Know

Now that we’ve covered the potential risks and the importance of self-tanner remover, let’s talk about what you need to know before using self-tanning lotion. First and foremost, it’s important to do a patch test prior to using any new self-tanning product to check for allergic reactions or irritation. It’s also essential to exfoliate your skin before applying self-tanner to ensure an even application and prevent the product from clinging to dry patches.

Additionally, it’s recommended to wear gloves or use a tanning mitt when applying self-tanner to avoid staining your hands. And lastly, always follow the instructions on the product carefully for the best results and to minimize potential risks.

Additional Tips for Safe Self-Tanning:

☑ Always read the ingredient list and research the potential risks before using a new self-tanning product.

☑ If you have sensitive skin or any existing skin conditions, consult with a dermatologist before using self-tanners.

☑ Avoid applying self-tanner on broken or irritated skin to prevent further inflammation.

☑ If you experience any adverse reactions after using a self-tanner, seek medical attention immediately.

☑ Remember to always wear sunscreen, even when using self-tanners, as they do not provide any protection against UV rays.

☑ Skip the risk of using self-tanners and head to your local indoor tanning salon for a top-quality spray tan!

Wrapping Up

While self-tanners may seem like a convenient and safer alternative to sun exposure, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and to take proper precautions when using these products. By understanding the not-so-sunny side of self-tanners and using self-tanner remover effectively, you can achieve that desired bronzed look without compromising your health or ending up with a streaky tan. So next time you reach for that bottle of instant summer, remember to educate yourself and take the necessary steps for a safe and flawless self-tanning experience.

Are you looking for a local tanning salon that offers the best tanning beds and products around? Contact Broad Ripple Tans at 317-257-8262 to get the best deals on tanning beds, spray tanning, tanning products, and more! We also offer coupons!

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Maximizing Your Glow: Post-Tanning Skin Care Rituals

After spending time under the sun or in a tanning bed, your skin craves a proper care regimen to maintain that cherished glow. Post-tanning skin care is essential to prolong the life of your tan and keep your skin healthy and radiant.

This blog will provide you with step-by-step rituals to maximize your glow and give your skin the love it needs after tanning. Whether you’re a beach bronzer or a salon tanner, these skin care tips will help you enhance and extend your tan, ensuring you enjoy that sun-kissed look for as long as possible.

Tanning Lotions and More in Broad Ripple! Call 317-257-8262 Today!
Tanning Lotions and More in Broad Ripple! Call 317-257-8262 Today!

How to Make That Glow Last With Proper Post-Tanning Skin Care

Step 1: Soothe and Moisturize

After tanning, your skin is left feeling dry and exposed to the elements. To keep your skin healthy and glowing, it’s important to soothe and hydrate your skin immediately after tanning. Look for a moisturizer that is specifically designed for post-tanning care, as this will provide you with the best results. These products are usually enriched with antioxidants and nourishing ingredients like aloe vera, which will help to soothe your skin while preventing any irritation or discomfort.

Step 2: Exfoliate Gently

Exfoliation is another important step when it comes to post-tanning skin care. While exfoliation should be avoided before tanning, exfoliating after sun exposure can actually help to extend the life of your bronze glow. Gently buffing away dead skin cells will reveal a smooth and even tan that looks fresher and more vibrant. Just remember to be gentle when exfoliating – use a soft brush or cloth with light pressure so you don’t cause any irritation or damage to your skin.

Step 3: Shield from the Sun

While it’s important to get some sun exposure for a healthy tan, you should also protect your skin from harsh UV rays after tanning. Invest in a good quality sunscreen and apply it every day (yes, even on cloudy days) to keep your skin safe from sunburning and premature aging. Make sure to choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and reapply it every two hours for optimal protection.

Step 4: Keep Hydrated

Staying hydrated is an essential part of maintaining your tan and keeping your skin healthy. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and make sure to moisturize regularly to keep your skin hydrated and glowing. You can also add foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as blueberries, spinach, and avocado to your smoothies and shakes to boost the health of your skin even further.

Step 5: Eat Clean

Eating healthy, like more fresh fruit and vegetables, has plenty of health benefits, including that your tan could last longer. Indulge in beta carotene and omega 3’s as they can help increase blood flow in your skin which encourages a longer tan. Not to mention the other incredible health benefits they have. Fill your fridge with plenty of fruits and vegetables and forget about all those processed foods as they do the opposite.

Step 6: Enjoy Your Glow!

Following a proper post-tanning skin care regimen will help you maximize your glow and keep your skin healthy for longer. With the right products and a bit of patience, you’ll be able to enjoy that sun-kissed look for weeks on end. And remember, always wear sunscreen!

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, post-tanning skin care is not just about maintaining your bronzed glow, it’s about nurturing your skin’s overall health. Follow these easy steps to prolong your tan while making sure your skin remains healthy and radiant. Always remember, the key to a long-lasting tan is not only about the tanning process itself, but also how well you take care of your skin afterwards. So, don’t skimp or skip out on hydration, both inside and out, and always protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. By incorporating these rituals into your routine, you can enjoy a sun-kissed glow all year round. Happy tanning!

Are you looking for a local tanning salon that offers the best tanning beds and products around? Contact Broad Ripple Tans at 317-257-8262 to get the best deals on tanning beds, spray tanning, tanning products, and more! We also offer coupons!

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The Truth About DHA in Self Tanner: What You Need to Know

The quest for that perfect sun-kissed glow often leads us to the aisles of skincare products, eyeing bottles of self tanners promising a flawless tan without the sun damage. One ingredient that you’ll commonly come across in your favorite self-tanning lotion is Dihydroxyacetone, more commonly known as DHA.

But what exactly is DHA? And why is it a key component in most self tanners? This post delves deep into the truth about DHA, its role in self-tanners, and what you need to know before slathering that lotion on your skin. Continue reading if you would like to be better equipped in your journey towards achieving the perfect, safe tan.

Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Top Tanning Lotions in Broad Ripple
Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Our Top Tanning Lotions in Broad Ripple

What is DHA?

So, what is DHA? DHA (Dihydroxyacetone) is a colorless sugar derived from plant sources like beets and cane sugar. When used in self-tanners, it interacts with the amino acids in the top layer of your skin to produce a pigment, causing a bronzing effect. This reaction can usually take anywhere between two to four hours, depending on the extent of DHA is in the self tanner.

What are the Benefits of Using a Self Tanner with DHA?

Self tanners that use DHA can be extremely beneficial for those who want to achieve a sun-kissed look without having to expose their skin to harsh UV rays. Not only does it provide an even and natural looking tan, but it also fades naturally without leaving any unsightly patches. Furthermore, self-tanners with DHA are much safer than traditional tanning as they do not cause sun damage that can lead to skin problems like wrinkles and age spots in the long term.

What Are the Possible Risks of Using Dihydroxyacetone?

Though generally considered safe for use, there are certain things to keep in mind when using self-tanners with DHA. Since the FDA has not approved DHA for use on areas other than the skin, it’s best to avoid any contact with eyes, lips, or nostrils as its effects can be irritating and long-lasting. It is also important to note that Dihydroxyacetone is not a sunscreen and does not offer any protection against UV rays, so it’s still important to wear sunscreen whenever you’re outdoors.

Tips for Using Self Tanners with DHA

Using self tanning lotion with Dihydroxyacetone is not only safe but also simple and straightforward. Here are some proven tips that will help you get the best out of your self tanner:

Always exfoliate your skin before applying the tanner, as this will help the DHA penetrate more evenly into your skin and create a smooth, even tan.

Moisturize immediately after applying to prevent any dryness or flaking.

Start with a low concentration of DHA and gradually build up to the desired shade instead of going for a strong concentration all at once.

Remember to apply sunscreen if you plan on spending time in the sun, as Dihydroxyacetone won’t protect your skin from UV rays.

Avoid contact with pools or hot tubs for at least eight hours after application.

Lastly, be sure to wash your hands immediately after application to prevent staining.

Final Thoughts on DHA in Self Tanner

As long as you follow the instructions, self tanners with DHA can provide a beautiful bronze glow without all the potential risks of UV tanning. Of course, it’s always best to consult your doctor or dermatologist before using any self tanner, especially if you have any pre-existing skin conditions. Armed with the right information and knowledge about Dihydroxyacetone in self tanning products, you can now safely and confidently achieve that perfect glow. So, there you have it – everything you need to know about DHA in self-tanners. Now that you’ve got the facts, you can start your journey towards achieving a beautiful, natural-looking tan with confidence.

Would you like a more even and balanced tan that comes with a luxurious experience? Visit Broad Ripple Tans for top quality tanning beds and tanning products in Indianapolis, Indiana. We also have top of the line automated spray tan booths!

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4 Natural Remedies to Treat Post-Tanning Bumps and Irritation

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy a nice tan, but sometimes it comes with an unexpected side effect – post-tanning bumps and irritation. Whether you’re dealing with bumpy skin or uncomfortable rashes, these issues can be difficult to treat and even harder to prevent. Fortunately, there are natural remedies that can help soothe your skin and reduce inflammation caused by tanning.

From aloe Vera to oatmeal baths, continue reading to learn four of the best natural remedies for treating post-tanning rash and other skin irritations.

Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Indoor Tanning in Broad Ripple Indiana
Call 317-257-8262 to Learn About Indoor Tanning in Broad Ripple Indiana

How to Treat Bumpy and Rough Skin After Tanning

If you’ve ever experienced rough and bumpy skin after tanning, you’re not alone. Tanning can cause a variety of skin problems, including skin bumps and a rash. This is because the intense heat and UV radiation from tanning can damage the skin’s natural barrier, leading to inflammation and irritation. This irritation can cause roughness and bumps on the skin, which can be uncomfortable and unsightly. Thankfully, with proper care and attention, you can enjoy a beautiful, healthy-looking tan without the negative side effects.

Options for Relieving and Healing a Rash Caused By Tanning

1. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is known for its healing properties and can help to soothe the skin after a tanning session. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can reduce redness, swelling, and irritation caused by UV exposure. Simply apply pure aloe Vera gel or juice directly to the affected area of your skin twice per day.

2. Oatmeal Baths: An oatmeal bath is another great natural remedy for post-tanning irritation. The oats contain compounds called avenanthramides which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help reduce itching and inflammation caused by sunburns. Add one cup of colloidal oatmeal (finely ground) to a warm bath and soak for 10-15 minutes.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar: Another home remedy that can help reduce itching, redness, and inflammation caused by tanning is apple cider vinegar (ACV). It has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that help to disinfect the skin while calming irritation caused by UV exposure. Simply mix one tablespoon of ACV in one cup of water and apply directly to the affected area with a cotton pad twice per day.

4. Coconut Oil: Coconut oil contains lauric acid which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can help soothe burns and rashes. It also helps lock in moisture to keep your skin hydrated after a long day in the sun. Simply apply coconut oil directly to the affected area twice per day.

After Tanning Skin Care is Essential to a Lasting Glow

With the right natural remedies, you can keep your skin healthy and irritation-free all summer long! Remember that prevention is key when it comes to treating post-tanning bumps and irritation. Always wear sunscreen with SPF of 30 or higher when going out in the sun for prolonged periods of time. It’s also important to take regular breaks from tanning, both indoors and outdoors, to give your skin a chance to recover. By following these simple tips, you can enjoy a beautiful summer tan without worrying about uncomfortable rash or bumpy skin.

Are you searching for a nearby tanning salon that provides top-quality tanning beds and products? Contact Broad Ripple Tans at 317-257-8262 to get the best deals on tanning beds, spray tanning, tanning products, and more! We also offer coupons!

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